The Accelerated Breakthrough Method


What is the

Accelerated Breakthrough Method?

It’s a scientific neuro-coaching system I have designed and honed from over 17 years of working as a Doctor of Psychology and focusing on human potential and personal transformation.

I have tested many modalities and trained extensively in many advanced psychological techniques. My sole aim is always to help people breakthrough to success and achieve real, tangible and long-lasting results. That’s my jam. That’s my zone of expertise. It may sound cliché – but I simply l-o-v-e helping people achieve their craziest and wildest dreams.

The Accelerated Breakthrough Method (ABM) is a transformative toolkit of accelerated change techniques to help high-performance people succeed in their field. Whether that be in sports such as golf, tennis, motorsports, football, boxing, poker, chess, racing, extreme sports or even e-sports. Or perhaps elite performers in fields such as music, dance, or art. Or maybe highly driven professionals in corporate environments or areas such as law - the ABM works!

I use the ABM uniquely with each client, tailoring solutions to meet their specific needs and dreams.

The method includes many unique modalities such as - sports Hypnosis, Performance coaching, EMDR, Breakthrough tapping, Fast NLP techniques, timeline repatterning, EFT, and cognitive behavioural therapy.

How is it different?

Many high performers don’t have breakthroughs because they’re trying to solve an unconscious problem using their conscious mind. Trying to solve issues using only the conscious mind is tough and doesn’t work in the long-term. Although conscious methods can reduce problems and symptoms temporarily, many clients notice that they flare up again and even come back with vengeance. This is because the core problem was actually created by the unconscious mind, and therefore it will often remain there until it’s resolved in the unconscious mind.

This is the secret of the mind most high performers don’t know about.

But the good news is that once the problem is resolved in the unconscious mind, it’s done! The client doesn’t have to struggle to make and maintain the changes anymore. And what’s even better is – the changes last long-term. Pretty cool, huh?

That’s why I love working this way, using the power of the unconscious mind makes all the difference. Many high performers use only traditional mental training methods designed for working with the conscious mind. They neglect, haven’t accessed, or maybe don’t even know about the untapped reservoir of their unconscious mind which is responsible for most of their programming and behaviour.

No wonder you get frustrated!

I help high performers access their unconscious mind and unlock patterns that block them from reaching their full potential or best performance. This method succeeds where conventional methods may fail. It’s less about conventional information and more about real transformation.

If you need a new performance edge but don’t know where to find that extra percent - I can help you find it.

Why was it designed for high performancers? What can it help with?

The Accelerated Breakthrough Method was designed for a high performer's mind. It’s not long-term therapy or traditional psychology — it’s a rapid solution-focused system for high-achievers.

High-performancers don’t need more talk, they need results – and they need them fast!

High-performancers face extreme pressure, tight deadlines, and can’t afford long-winded approaches with lukewarm results. They put everything on the line and must execute their performance under extreme circumstances. The ABM is the bullseye approach to change. It targets and unlocks the core of the issue thereby unleashing the athlete’s untapped potential.

It's ideal for issues such as:

  • performance anxiety and nerves
  • getting to the next level of performance
  • curing a bad case of the yips
  • choking
  • performance sabotage
  • unleashing hidden potential
  • executing technical skills with accuracy and precision
  • regulating emotional arousal and pressure
  • handling outside influences – media, scrutiny, criticism, pressure
  • boosting confidence
  • making a comeback
  • overcoming performance plateaus
  • mental preparation for big moments
  • unleashing your best performance and much more …

What can I expect in a breakthrough session?

Each session is tailored to your needs. It’s like talking with a coach, except I coach you towards your dreams by utilising the power of your unconscious mind in a very relaxed and nurturing way.

How much does it cost?

Once we chat and I understand your needs, I will let you know the exact investment during our call and outline the best avenue to help you achieve your goals.

Are you ready to kickstart your success?

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Register for a call with Dr Nat to have your story heard and for insight into proven strategies, empowering mindsets, and success stories. Dominate on and off the field.




© 2023 WFW - Dr Nat